Be seen, be heard, be believed.

  • Do you ever feel stuck or like you’re being hijacked by emotions?

  • Do you have an inner critic that makes you feel unworthy, hopeless or like an imposter?

  • Are ready to deal with childhood experiences that have left you with anxiety or depression?

  • Have you tried talk therapy and it just feels like something was missing?

There is nothing wrong with you, your internal system is responding appropriately to threats you have had in the past. I will give you so much more than coping strategies. Instead of overriding current thoughts, beliefs and triggers we can process experiences from the past and change how you relate to them and how they affect you. This is what transformation and healing in IFS therapy is at its core.

No matter where you are in the world, I'm here to support you. Over the years, I've conducted impactful IFS sessions online with individuals hailing from diverse corners of the globe including the USA, France, England, Scotland, Canada, Belgium and New Zealand. Regardless of your location, please don't hesitate to reach out to start your healing journey.


Krisha has been so creative and wonderful...I can’t wait to work with her again.
  • "Krisha makes your parts feel so very welcome, never judged, deeply understood and appreciated."

    “The way Krisha stays in Self energy during our sessions and how supportive and compassionate she reacts to everything my parts are sharing with her, makes me feel incredibly safe and truly cared for. It’s like meeting the most wonderful, ideal parent for your parts and learning to become a similar parent to your parts in the process. I like that she works in a team with you, so you never feel alone in this tough inner work. The biggest transformation I got was that she helped me to go deep and help protector parts of mine to give me room to work with my exiles. Without her kind and gentle guidance I would never have managed to access deeply hidden exile parts of mine.

    The impact this had on my life is feeling a lot more calm and connected to my Self and being able to access Self energy more easily. I recommend Krisha highly to anyone. Krisha makes your parts feel so very welcome, never judged, deeply understood and appreciated. I feel much more grounded and see the world as a much safer place than I ever have before, thanks to working with Krisha.”

    -H.B., IFS Practitioner/Equine Coach

  • "I am able to carry this newfound freedom and 'lightness’ into my every day life."

    “I purchased all the IFS books, took copious notes during the Online Circle course offered by the IFS Institute and had joined several online free IFS Practice groups.

    I knew my Protectors and appreciated their benevolent intentions. I had lots of curiosity and compassion for them. However, I could not go to my Exiles and help them unburden. I am 72 and they are 5 but they scared me to death!

    Enter Krisha. She has been an invaluable resource for me in my healing journey.

    She gently guided me past my reluctance and fear. Her insightful suggestions for unburdening give me genuine visceral relief. She patiently encourages me to develop ongoing relationships with my exiles, yet understands when life (or a skeptical part !) gets in my way. I am able to carry this newfound freedom and ‘ lightness’ into my every day life.”

    -L.F. - Retired Grandmother

  • "Doing IFS with Krisha has been significant & transformative."

    “I am so grateful for my work with Krisha. It feels like such a Gift. I experience her as thoughtful, dedicated, present, kind, sincere, & committed. I have done a lot of different healing modalities in the past, & there is something really distinctive, special, & beautiful about IFS. Doing IFS with Krisha has been significant & transformative. It is supporting me to develop a richer, more profound relationship with my inner world through learning about & resourcing my various parts. Our work together is helping me to deepen & strengthen the muscle of my self-compassion, to learn more about myself, & to heal at a core level. I feel hope with IFS. Thank you for being a wonderful, available practitioner & guide in this process & journey. I trust Krisha, & your healing journey will certainly benefit & expand from working with her. “

    -N.A., Psychotherapist

  • "It has been life changing to work with Krisha"

    “It has been life changing to work with Krisha. She is empathetic and intuitive. She is also very knowledgeable. I feel more in “self” after every session with her. I highly recommend her. She is an asset to IFS and the clients she works for. “

    -C.M., Hospital Administrator

My Clients Come to Me For Support With…

  • Trauma

  • Inner Critic

  • Procrastination

  • Personal Growth

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